Brain Training to Improve Academic Performance

Watching your child struggle academically can be heart wrenchingly tough. Academic Difficulties may look like difficulty with reading, writing, math. However, what is the reason, the root cause of the academic difficulties that are significantly affecting your child’s confidence and motivation?

At The Brain Accelerator we believe that no child should be left behind, that every child has the potential to learn, and that each child deserves to be happy and confident academically.

Studies show that roughly 80% of all learning struggles are caused by a weakness in one or more of the brain’s core cognitive skills, that is in attention, working  memory, processing speed, logic and reasoning, auditory processing, long-term memory, visual processing. Weaknesses in even one of these areas can significantly affect academic performance.

The Brain Accelerator can show you the steps toward more efficient learning skills; and soaring self-esteem, renewed confidence, and increased motivation.

Let’s begin by finding out WHY your child is struggling - see our assessment page to find out how we do this.