success stories

“When we began BrainRx, our daughter not only had problems with her schoolwork, but was also having problems with self-image and confidence. She was acting out of character due to the frustration. She was exhausted at the end of each day because she was working so hard with little results. After only a few sessions, we noticed she had renewed confidence and was excited to learn and do well. After 10 weeks, not only did we (and her teacher) see a difference, but she saw the difference on her report card. She had increased her grades in all areas. By the end of the sessions and the school year she brought her grades up to an above-average level. She is happy with herself and sees herself on level with her friends and classmates. She enjoys school and is eager to learn. Thanks for your help!

- James and Chris W, parents of Kayla, Age 9

“This program is great. The difference in Joey is night and day. He has even started reading because he wants to.  Now that’s impressive! When he makes a mistake now, he’s always willing to try another way to correct it without guessing. BrainRx has been a true blessing for my son.”

— Parent of Joey, age 13

“I came as an adult survivor of traumatic brain injury, and while I was functioning as an adult after my TBI, I still had some frustrating cognitive problems. 

Honestly, this was hard work. The exercises and games start out easy, but your trainer quickly finds your current level and then pushes you on to more difficult levels. IT can be frustrating but the trainers are good at sensing your stress tolerance. It’s worth the effort but it isn’t like a straight academic training or tutoring. It’s a regiment that works your brain that winds up paying off in indirect ways.”

— Peter

“My reading level improved from 3.5 to 6.”

- Savannah, 13

“As an adult in the middle of my career in Retirement Human Resources, something did not seem right. My mind was not as fresh as it used to be. I was lacking the confidence and motivation I once had. Thankfully, LearningRx training allowed me to learn new ways of thinking. It helped me realize new potential I lacked in myself. It helped me utilize the knowledge I had hidden deep below the surface and I gained back confidence tenfold. It was worth my time and investing in myself. If you are looking to sharpen and refresh your productivity or skill set at work and home, you’ve reached your destination in BrainRx. They have a courteous and professional staff ready to help you. I highly recommend the program , whether you are young or old.”

- Jonathan