accelerate Rx

AccelerateRx is an intensive, comprehensive, personalised brain training program that develops the foundational skills that are the prerequisites for learning and academic success. This program is ideal for 4-7 year olds.

AccelerateRx helps young learners get ready to succeed in school by targeting the foundational skills that are the prerequisites of learning. These skills include:

  • Core Executive Function, which includes Inhibitory Control, Working Memory and Cognitive Flexibility,

  • Sensory Motor Integration, which includes fine and gross motor skills,

  • Early Numerical Cognition, and

  • Language and Literacy Skills, leading to Automatic and Higher Thinking Skill development.

AccelerateRx is our pioneering program that enables us to find out about your child's unique learning profile, and to create a bespoke training program that is carried out by a 1-1 personal trainer. With a strong start, you could identify and target any of your child's learning difficulties and set them up for a lifetime of confidence and success.

Watch the video here to learn more about AccelerateRx

Sign up today for our Brain Skills Assessment and find out how your child learns! Knowing your child’s cognitive profile is empowering and helps better guide your understanding and their journey to optimal confidence and success