Brain Training for ADHD and Attention Issues

Having ADHD can be a bit like having a superpower — one that sparks amazing levels of creativity and energy. But ADHD can also make it difficult to focus and concentrate, ignore distractions, and control impulses. The good news? Attention skills can be strengthened with the right kind of ADHD help.

At The Brain Accelerator, we know that focus and concentration are skills that can be trained. Brain training can also target other cognitive skills tied closely to ADHD, like memory and processing abilities. By targeting these skills, we strive to help learners with ADHD make the most of their unique talents!

Our approach to ADHD help is backed by multiple research studies, as well as 35+ years of research and refinement training clients globally with hyperactive ADHD, inattentive ADHD (formerly known as ADD), and combined ADHD.

Past clients of the BrainRx programs, with ADHD, have seen across-the-board improvements in cognitive skills, including an average gain of 3.2 years in sustained attention skills. Our clients have also reported significant improvements in other areas, including relationships with friends and family, oppositional behavior, and self-esteem — all through the power of BrainRX brain training!

(Results based on studies and surveys of past clients. You or your child may or may not achieve the same results.)