Brain Training to Improve Processing Speed

Slow processing speed impacts every area of life, whether you’re 5 or 95. The ability to think quickly opens up the door to much easier learning, reading, remembering, reasoning, and performing in schools or workplaces. If you suspect you or your child might have slow processing speed, here are some of the top warning signs:

  • Constantly missing important pieces of information in classes or conversations.

  • Taking a long time to complete tests or homework, resulting in frustration, shame, or feeling like they’re missing out.

  • Struggling to keep up with verbal and non-verbal communication, whether from adults or your child’s peers.

  • Having trouble applying new information to their lives or reasoning through a question to come up with a solution.

  • Having poor reading comprehension.

The Brain Acceleartor has a unique program that builds processing speed in almost everything we do. By using a metronome during our procedures, we force clients to complete tasks at gradually increasing speeds. This, along with other targeted activities, allows the brain to become faster and more efficient in its thought processes.

Let’s begin by finding out why your child is struggling - see our assessment page to find out how we do this.