Before getting started with brain training, we invite you to schedule a Brain Skills Assessment. Reach out to us to find out the cost of the assessment.

Cognitive testing is led by a brain training director or trainer and takes approximately one hour to complete. 

During the Brain Skills Assessment, you or your child will complete a series of activities which measure cognitive skills. Each activity is designed to test a specific skill or set of skills. This way, we can measure the brain’s core learning and thinking skills independent of one another. This also helps us identify the root cause of any learning or thinking struggles that you or your child may be experiencing before you start brain training.

Our cognitive testing allows us to map each learner’s unique cognitive profile. It also allows us to identify which cognitive skills have the most room for improvement and can be targeted through brain training. Based on this information, we create an individualised training plan for you or your child.

After brain training, we will conduct a second cognitive assessment. By comparing results, we can see the areas where brain training has improved cognitive skills, and how significant these gains are!

what the assessment measures

Our Brain Skills Assessment measures individual cognitive skills, as well as overall cognitive performance.

The skills measured by our cognitive assessment include:

  • Attention — How well the brain concentrates on activities and tasks.

  • Processing Speed — How quickly the brain processes new information.

  • Working Memory — How well the brain retains short-term information.

  • Long-Term Memory — How easily the brain retains important long-term information.

  • Auditory Processing — How well the brain processes, analyzes, and imagines sounds.

  • Visual Processing — How well the brain processes, analyzes, and imagines images.

  • Logic & Reasoning — How well the brain reasons, forms ideas, and solves problems.

Together, these skills allow our brains to acquire new information, accomplish basic tasks, solve complex problems, and process the world around us.

In other words, these seven skills represent the building blocks of how we learn and think! By measuring these skills, we can form a complete cognitive profile of you or your child.

more about the test

At The Brain Accelerator we use The Gibson Test - this test is based on Gibson’s Learning Model which is grounded in the Cattell-Horn-Carrol (CHC) theory of intelligence.

The Gibson Test meets the highest scientific standards, and has been administered more than 92,000 times since 1999 by professions including psychologists, educators, neurologists, audiologists, speech & language professionals, and brain training specialists around the world. It has been validated and normed twice by experts in the fields of learning and cognition, and has strong psychometric properties that meet or exceed the standards for educational tests. The Gibson Test is available in more than 20 languages.

Take the first step and book your child’s assessment today:

Disclaimer: The Brain Accelerator helps clients by targeting and training cognitive skills such as attention, working memory, and processing speed. Please note that we do not diagnose reading disorders or ADHD, and brain training is not a cure for these disorders.

115,000 + clients helped

Average Rating: 9.6/10

35 years of research and refinement

21 point IQ change

1-1 brain training

3.5 years increase in reading ability

115,000 + clients helped • Average Rating: 9.6/10 • 35 years of research and refinement • 21 point IQ change • 1-1 brain training • 3.5 years increase in reading ability •