Our programs are tailored to each learner’s individual needs - we help with the following:

  • Attention is the foundation upon which all other learning is enabled. It is difficult to see your child struggling to attend in class and in social situations, and unable to unlock his/her true potential.

    At The Brain Accelerator we can help overcome attention issues without medication. Unlike conventional solutions, BrainRx cognitive training addresses attention difficulties at its root cause. Others treat ADHD with accommodations such as removing distractions, reducing workload, medicating, or isolating students into quiet areas. This is like giving a child a leg up over a brick wall. It helps temporarily, but does nothing to break down the wall. Neuroscientific research has found that attention is a combination of three separate but related skills or abilities: sustained attention (staying on task), selective attention (resisting distraction), and divided attention (splitting attention between tasks). Research proves, however, that the best approaches to actually improving attention include training exercises that build attention skills while exposing the student to structured, distracting stimuli—the opposite approach of typical strategies. The Brain Accelerator’s intense, targeted cognitive skills training is designed to improve attention skills rapidly. Our patented programs strengthen the key parts of the brain your child needs to attend. Results are real and measurable. We can improve your child’s focus and attention! Call today to book an assessment!

    For more on Attention and ADHD click here

  • Math skills help us make sense of the natural world and bring order to our day-to-day lives. While math is easy to learn for some people, others have trouble making the numbers add up. The good news is that math skills can be trained at any age! At LearningRx, our math help programs offer a way to build and strengthen these skills in kids, teens, and even adults!

    Math is so important in the classroom and day-to-day life that everyone deserves strong math skills. When the numbers just aren’t adding up, math help from LearningRx can make math less frustrating and confusing.

    This is where brain training offers a different approach to math help. Rather than simply repeating classroom content, brain training helps students build the underlying cognitive skills that students use for math. This allows students to understand math more quickly, easily, and naturally all on their own.

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  • Strong reading skills open the door to a lifetime of learning and imagination. Children that struggle with reading face difficulties accessing literature, all subject matter, and being able to demonstrate their true potential.

    At The Brain Accelerator, we are dedicated to ensuring that we address the core challenges that contribute to difficulty with reading including auditory processing skills, visual processing skills, phonemic awareness in order to help young readers develop the fundamental skills they need for reading, and we help readers of all ages strengthen their reading abilities.

    Strong reading skills depend on a number of distinct skills working at the same time. Readers need to be able to:

    • Quickly recognize words in written text

    • Sound out unfamiliar words based on spelling

    • Process complex sentences and language

    • Create mental images while reading

    • Retain important information

    At The Brain Accelerator, brain training helps each reader build the foundational skills they need for a lifetime of reading.

    If you’re trying to improve your reading skills, or if you’re looking for reading help for your child, your instinct might be to start with a reading tutor.

    While reading tutoring can help for some students, it might not be the best fit for you or your child. That’s because reading tutoring tends to focus on practicing reading and memorizing spelling. This requires strong underlying cognitive skills. If these underlying skills haven’t been developed, a reading tutor might not be the right choice.

    Brain training offers a way to build these skills, which are at the root of most reading struggles. Rather than simply repeating content and memorizing words, brain training gives readers the skills they need to become more intuitive, independent, and confident readers.

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  • No one’s memory is perfect. Whether it’s misplacing our keys or struggling to remember a new coworker’s name, we all forget things sometimes. But if you find yourself forgetting things more often than you used to, memory training may help. At The Brain Accelerator we target short-term and long-term memory through brain training and have improved memory skills for thousands of clients.

    Brain training can improve memory skills in kids as young as four years old, and it gives adults a way to work on memory skills as they age. While brain training is not a treatment or cure for age-related memory loss, our programs allow older adults to target specific memory skills. Every client gets a custom memory training plan, with training tailored to their individual needs.

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  • Slow processing speed impacts every area of life, whether you’re 5 or 95. The ability to think quickly opens up the door to much easier learning, reading, remembering, reasoning, and performing in schools or workplaces. If you suspect you or your child might have slow processing speed, here are some of the top warning signs:

    • Constantly missing important pieces of information in classes or conversations.

    • Taking a long time to complete tests or homework, resulting in frustration, shame, or feeling like they’re missing out.

    • Struggling to keep up with verbal and non-verbal communication, whether from adults or your child’s peers.

    • Having trouble applying new information to their lives or reasoning through a question to come up with a solution.

    • Having poor reading comprehension.

    • Targeted Brain Training for Slow Processing Speed

    The Brain Acceleartor has a unique program that builds processing speed in almost everything we do. By using a metronome during our procedures, we force clients to complete tasks at gradually increasing speeds. This along with other targeted activities allows the brain to become faster and more efficient in its thought processes.

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  • Watching your child struggle academically can be heart wrenchingly tough. Academic Difficulties may look like difficulty with reading, writing, math. However, what is the reason, the root cause of the academic difficulties that are significantly affecting your child’s confidence and motivation?

    At The Brain Accelerator we believe that no child should be left behind, that every child has the potential to learn, and that each child deserves to be happy and confident academically.

    Studies show that roughly 80% of all learning struggles are caused by a weakness in one or more of the brain’s core cognitive skills, that is in attention, working memory, processing speed, logic and reasoning, auditory processing, long-term memory, visual processing. Weaknesses in even one of these areas can significantly affect academic performance.

    The Brain Accelerator can show you the steps toward more efficient learning skills; and soaring self-esteem, renewed confidence, and increased motivation.

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  • Research indicates that in the early years, our children’s brains are forming neuronal connections at a faster pace than any other time in their lives. It is important and critical to take advantage of this critical period by providing our children with the best learning environment and opportunities to truly maximise their brain’s potential. Brain training in the early years is personalised and tailored for each learner, based on their unique cognitive profile. Through the program, we provide learners with the best start possible by developing the foundational skills crucial for school readiness and life success.

    Give your child the ability to fly through school and life with:

    • Sharper thinking skills

    • Better grades

    • Enhanced intelligence

    • Increased processing speed

    • Better memory

    • Improved concentration

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  • The flagship BrainRx program is tailored for children and adults. Many adults can benefit from brain training:

    • Adults at the top of their game at work and desiring a cognitive edge

    • Women going through perimenopause, menopause, postmenopause. Research has indicated how changes in hormones affect a woman’s brain considerably during these periods

    • Adults who want to keep their brains sharper during the ageing process

    • Adults who have experienced stroke or Traumatic Brain Injury 

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  • High achievers are individuals that want to unleash the power of their brains and live up to their fullest potential. High achievers have a growth mindset and know that the brain has an immense amount of capacity and potential. High achievers realise that everyone has strong and weak cognitive skills and that weak cognitive skills can always be trained to build stronger pathways.

    High achievers want to maximise their brain capacities so they are at the top of their game!

    In the past, for example, we’ve had astronauts do the BrainRx program prior to space missions, in order to increase cognitive acuity. We’ve had very smart ivy-league bound high school students do the BranRx program to obtain an edge over other students. We’ve had gifted student do the BrainRx course to appropriately stimulate their minds and work on cognitive areas of weakness.

    We’ve had kids and adults who were excited to be the best that they could be!

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  • The Brain Accelerator offers custom brain training plans for all learners, including students that are applying to universities and who seek to utilize their brain power most effectively for college applications and to make the best use of the college years.

    Brain Training can help with college entrance examinations such as the SATs, ACT’s etc.


Click the links to see more about the various programs that are offered at The Brain Accelerator.

Our programs are tailored to your needs based on the results of the Cognitive Assessment.

Book your assessment and get started today!