Brain Training for Dyslexia and Reading Disorders

When your child is diagnosed with dyslexia, it’s easy to worry. The good news is that many children with dyslexia thrive at school and later in life! With the right kind of dyslexia help, it’s possible to build stronger reading skills and overcome learning difficulties. Even adults with dyslexia can strengthen reading skills!

At The Brain Accelerator we use evidence based brain training methodologies that have helped thousands of kids, teens, and adults with dyslexia and other reading disorders. The programs are based on 35+ years of experience helping clients with reading difficulties, and the programs have been built through rigorous research and practice in this area.

While brain training isn’t a cure for dyslexia, it has helped kids and adults with dyslexia become stronger readers. Our Brain RX and ReadRX programs focus on training the root difficulties that make learning reading hard: attention, processing speed, working memory, logic and reasoning, auditory processing, long-term memory, visual processing.

Our ReadRX program includes help with:

  • Recognizing letters by shape

  • Connecting letters to speech sounds

  • Sounding out words while reading

  • Spelling and vocabulary

  • Reading comprehension skills

After brain training, on average, students improved their learning and thinking skills by 3.3 years on average. Even more impressive, the average student improved by 5.4 years in Sound Awareness — the cognitive skill most commonly linked to reading difficulties!

(Results based on past clients. You or your child may or may not achieve the same results.)