welcome to the brain accelerator

We Spark the Joy of Learning


Just like we exercise our bodies to get stronger, we can exercise our brains to get sharper too!

We are a certified BrainRx provider dedicated to helping children learn.

At The Brain Accelerator, we improve cognitive skills, reading, and math performance. That's the power of The Brain Accelerator. We don't just treat symptoms; we unlock the root of their learning potential, transforming challenges into triumphs. See real results in as little as three months.

Ready to see your child shine?

Book an assessment, sign-up to our events, or reach out to receive more information >>

Ready to get started?

To find out more about our testing and assessments, click here >>

Want to improve your learning and performance skills?

  • Before getting started with training, we start with a Brain Skills Assessment. The results help us build a cognitive profile for you or your child and pinpoint which skills have the most room for improvement.

    To learn more about the assessment click here or contact us and we can guide you through the process as well as advise on cost.

  • Consultation with the director to discuss the assessment report and recommendations for the best program and length of time to suit your child’s needs.

    At this stage you may have many “Aha!” moments because the test enables you to understand the “why” behind the struggle.

    Our Director, Aalia Thobani has 2 decades of experience in the field of child development and a consultation with her will provide a deeper holistic dive into the profile of your child, with specific recommendations and referrals as necessary.

  • You / your child will then be matched to a dedicated trainer who will design a one-of-a-kind training plan based on the results of the Cognitive Test. This way, we can tailor training to each learner’s individual needs.

  • Witness your child’s potential unfold


At The Brain Accelerator, we believe that the human brain holds immense cognitive potential that can be enhanced through evidence-based programs and interventions, inevitably unleashing confidence and success.

We believe that every student is unique and special. We believe that no individual should ever be left behind because of how he/she learns. We believe - and science proves - that intelligence is not fixed and that the brain can change with the correct intervention.


The Brain Accelerator utilises BrainRx programs that are bespoke, structured, intensive, and are tailored to target weaker processes in the brain that are the root cause of learning difficulties. With training, the brain gets stronger and performance and learning improve significantly, thereby improving academics, quality of life, and confidence.

BrainRx applies the most recent scientific research on learning and results have indicated that it significantly enhances learning ability for both struggling and advanced students; children and adults. 


We are professionals devoted to work one-on-one with students who struggle or desire maximum learning skill enhancement.

We are trainers armed with powerful cognitive skills testing and training tools that can literally transform learning weaknesses into strengths in as little as 12 to 24 weeks.

We are partners with concerned parents — who together can produce rapid, lasting, guaranteed results.

Find out more about our team here >>


“This is the best time and money I have ever spent. I wish we had found this program five years ago when Ivy’s learning problems were first recognized. We wasted a lot of time and money on programs that were only Band-Aids. They didn’t address any of the reasons why she wasn’t reading or comprehending. Ivy always knew she was smart - smarter than  most of the kids in her class, but frustrated that she couldn’t produce the work needed to get passing grades. Her brain has been unlocked. She loved the program.”

Paula B • Mother of Ivy, Age 11


115,000 + clients helped

Average Rating: 9.6/10

35 years of research and refinement

21 point IQ change

1-1 brain training

3.5 years increase in reading ability

115,000 + clients helped • Average Rating: 9.6/10 • 35 years of research and refinement • 21 point IQ change • 1-1 brain training • 3.5 years increase in reading ability •